The New Queensland Rental Reforms: An Agent's Perspective - purerealestategroup

The New Queensland Rental Reforms: An Agent’s Perspective

As a real estate agent in Queensland, it’s my responsibility to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of rental laws and ensure our clients – both landlords and tenants – are well-informed and adequately prepared. The latest rental reforms, introduced under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, have stirred considerable debate within the property management community. While these changes aim to provide greater security and fairness for tenants, they also impose significant challenges and additional costs for landlords.

Minimum Housing Standards: A Costly Burden

One of the most impactful changes is the enforcement of minimum housing standards. From September 1, 2024, all rental properties must comply with new safety, security, and functionality criteria. This includes ensuring all accessible windows and doors have functional latches, that fixtures and fittings are in good repair, and that properties are weatherproof and structurally sound​ (Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA))​​ (Ministerial Media Statements)​.

For many landlords, particularly those with older properties, meeting these standards will require substantial investment. Renovations and upgrades to bring properties up to code can be prohibitively expensive, especially in a market already strained by rising maintenance costs, interest rates and inflation. This financial burden could deter potential investors from entering the rental market, or push existing landlords to sell, ultimately reducing the availability of rental properties.

Rent Increase Limitations: Financial Strain for Landlords

The reform limiting rent increases to once every 12 months is another significant change. While intended to stabilise the rental market and provide predictability for tenants, this measure restricts landlords’ ability to adjust rents in response to market conditions​ (​.

In an environment where property maintenance costs, insurance premiums, and mortgage rates are continuously rising, landlords need the flexibility to adjust rents to cover these expenses. The new limitations could lead to a situation where landlords struggle to keep up with their financial obligations, potentially resulting in a decline in property upkeep and maintenance.

Restrictions on Evictions: Reducing Landlord Control

The abolition of ‘without grounds’ evictions is designed to give tenants more stability. However, it also significantly reduces landlords’ control over their properties. Landlords can no longer terminate tenancies without a ‘valid’ reason, such as the end of a fixed-term lease or specific breaches of the agreement​ (Ministerial Media Statements)​.

This change can make it more difficult for landlords to address problematic tenants promptly. Situations involving minor but persistent issues – like consistent late rent payments or minor property damage – might not meet the threshold for eviction under the new rules. This could lead to prolonged periods of conflict and stress for landlords, affecting their overall investment experience.

Pet Ownership: Complicated and Costly Compliance

The new laws also make it easier for tenants to keep pets, requiring landlords to have reasonable grounds to refuse such requests. While promoting pet ownership is positive for many, it introduces additional challenges for landlords. Pets can cause damage that goes beyond normal wear and tear, leading to higher maintenance and repair costs​ (Ministerial Media Statements)​.

Landlords are permitted to impose reasonable conditions on pet ownership, such as requiring pets to be kept outside or demanding additional cleaning and fumigation at the end of a lease. However, these measures might not fully mitigate the potential damage caused by pets, placing an additional financial burden on landlords.

Conclusion: Balancing Fairness with Practicality

While the new rental reforms in Queensland aim to protect tenants and create a fairer rental market, they also place significant new responsibilities and financial burdens on landlords. For real estate agents and property managers, it is crucial to navigate these changes effectively, ensuring that landlords are fully aware of their new obligations and the potential costs involved.

Landlords must be proactive in upgrading their properties, understanding the new legal landscape, and adjusting their financial plans accordingly. By doing so, we can help maintain a balanced and stable rental market that serves the interests of both landlords and tenants.

For more detailed information on the new rental reforms, you can visit the Residential Tenancies Authority and the Department of Housing​ (Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA))​​ (​​ (Ministerial Media Statements)​.


If you’d like any further information or guidance on rental properties please don’t hesitate to contact Russell Peter on ‭0406 743 965‬ or