In these ever-changing circumstances with COVID-19, outlined below is our Agency’s approach to managing COVID-19 and its potential impacts. Our highest priority is the health and wellbeing of our community.
COVID-19 Impact on Maintenance
With a large number of tenants being at home during these uncertain times, we are noticing an increase in requests for general maintenance and repairs. We are finding the processing times of these maintenance requests is drawing out due to the uncertainty of tenant’s paying rent and funds coming from the owner. We are having a lot more owners asking questions regarding the urgency and timing of the maintenance requests to ensure they have funds to meet their mortgage repayments and other associated costs. Unfortunately this is delaying general maintenance getting undertaken so please be patient with us while we work through each circumstance.
Please also be aware that we are working to prioritise general repairs and maintenance requests to manage high risk issues first.
Contractor Health and Safety Requirements
To help prevent the transmission of COVID-19, we request all maintenance is carried out in a way that minimises the risk to both tenants and contractors.
We request the following measures from all our contractors: