While it is commonly known that Agencies do this, the risk you have as an owner is that you have two Management Agreements in effect at the same time and legally you can only have one.
One Agency could find you the tenant and charge you a Let Fee but because you have an Agreement with a second Agency at the same time and haven’t given the 30 day notice period to terminate that agreement, you could be liable for a second management fee even though they haven’t found you a tenant, so in theory it could cost you two weeks Let Fee instead of one week.
On top of that, you will also have issues with feedback from the market due to two Agencies, two lots of online ads, two lots of enquiry numbers which means if you need to decrease the price it is very hard for the Agency to figure it out because they are only seeing half the picture.
We recommend listing your property with one Agency and getting the marketing right, conducting private inspections a few times a week and you should secure a tenant quite quickly in a normal market.